Building Sails since 1980
Custom Sails that are Designed, Tested, and Proudly Handcrafted in The Gorge, USA.
Hurricane Lofts
Loft #1 in living room in house I grew up in located in SE Connecticut
Loft #1 with sailmaking table for multiple reasons:
Table at sewing machine height so sails can be sewn without wrinkling or creasing
Can layout and work on sail while standing versus on knees
More storage

Loft #2 on third floor of Paris Fair Building on the corner of 4th and Oak in Hood River

Loft #3 - The Schlosser Machine building at the corner of Front and Oak in Hood River. Building had to go through major remodel over the winter. We transitioned the building on the left to the building on the right.

Loft #3 in Bingen, WA. In the back section of the old Mansfield Furniture building.

Loft #4. in White Salmon. This old barn took a lot of work to turn the left picture into the right picture. Both pictures are looking at the same corner of the building